Allurion Program

Allurion Gastric Balloon

The smart gastric balloon application has been preferred a lot in recent years and successfully helps in weight loss. In particular, the very easy progress of the process, the fact that it does not require any surgical intervention, and the high weights lost allowed the application to spread quickly. People struggling with obesity can use the allurion gastric balloon application if they do not prefer any metabolic surgery. Especially those who do not have Type 2 diabetes and do not have obesity-related hypertension, cholesterol and similar health problems can prefer it. Gastric bypass will be much healthier for those with such disorders.

Allurion Swallowable Gastric Balloon

Allurion swallowable gastric balloon has a very simple use. According to studies, the Allurion swallowable gastric balloon is used by 999 of every 1000 people without any problems. It is also assisted to people who cannot swallow the capsule by themselves.

Side effects such as stomachache and vomiting may occur when using the swallowable gastric balloon for the first time. It is extremely normal to have such side effects in this treatment, which is planned to reduce the volume of the stomach, especially during the adaptation process.

People who complete the adaptation process in a short time can return to their social lives within 1-2 days without any problems. A very small number of people show symptoms that can last longer than a few days.

When it is ensured that it reaches the stomach with the x-ray, 550 ml of special liquid is injected into it. After the liquid injection process is completed, the filling thread is pulled and disconnected from the balloon. After this process, it stays in the stomach for about 4 months, helping the person to be satisfied with less portions. In this way, the person begins to lose weight quickly. At the end of the 4-month period, the balloon bursts harmlessly and leaves the body naturally due to its special structure.

Smart Gastric Balloon

Smart gastric balloons are simply swallowed with water. It does not require any endoscopy and anesthesia procedures. In this respect, it is called the next generation gastric balloon. It helps to lose weight by decreasing the volume of the stomach. It helps to provide saturation with less portions. It slows the passage of food through the stomach and contributes to a decrease in appetite. It is a method that is performed without surgery and without the need for endoscopy, provides successful results and makes it possible to return to social life quickly.

Smart gastric balloons, which have almost the same size as vitamin pills, are in compressed form as capsules. It can be easily swallowed with 1 glass of water. It has a very thin balloon wall. It is swallowed very easily and with the expiration of the application period, it passes the intestines without any problems and is excreted together with the stool. It has high durability as well as thin. It is resistant to stomach acid without any problem.

In other gastric balloon applications, the gastric balloon is placed in the stomach by endoscopy. The gastric balloon, which has completed its task, is removed with the help of endoscopy when the patient goes to the hospital again. The smart gastric balloon eliminates this whole process. The gastric balloon, which completes its task, automatically leaves the body in normal ways. It does not require an extra operation. In this respect, it can be applied to long-distance patients without any problems.

The average time that the smart gastric balloon stays in the stomach is 4 months. During this period, the weight lost is between 7% and 15% of the initial weight. A person who starts this practice as 100 kilos can lose 15 kilos in 4 months. Maximum weight loss in swallowable gastric balloons occurs in the first 12 weeks. In this respect, living with a gastric balloon for more than 16 weeks does not make a big difference in weight loss. This allows the system to work effectively and allow the person to return to their normal life quickly.

How is the Allurion Program Applied?

Allurion gastric balloon is swallowed in capsule form with water. This procedure is done under the supervision of a doctor. With the inflation of the balloon reaching the stomach, it occupies volume in the stomach and contributes to the feeling of fullness.

The biggest problem of people who cannot lose weight with a diet program is that they cannot resist the feeling of hunger. With the Allurion gastric balloon, it is possible to lose weight reliably and smoothly without the need for surgery. You can lose 15% of your initial weight within 16 weeks. During the use of the Allurion gastric balloon, it is necessary to continue the diet and exercise program. In this way, maximum efficiency is obtained from the application.


People with a body mass index between 27 and 35 are the group that gets the maximum benefit from the smart gastric balloon. The smart gastric balloon application is applied for people between the ages of 18 and 65. Although the studies of the application for people over 65 years old are still in progress, a clear procedure has not been determined. It will be one of the best choices for those looking for a weight loss application that does not require anesthesia.

The fastest weight loss process is experienced in the first 12 weeks in gastric balloon applications. In this respect, the Allurion gastric balloon with 16 weeks of use leaves the body without any problems after completing its mission.

Allurion Swallowable Gastric Balloon provides satiety, fullness and loss of appetite with its space-occupying effect in the stomach, like other gastric balloons. Moreover, the balloon slows down stomach movements with mechanical effects and extend the residence time of solid foods in the stomach. Allurion Swallowable Gastric Balloon helps patient to lose 10-23% of their weight before application with this dual effect.


Allurion Gastric Balloon application does not require anesthesia, endoscopy and surgery. Balloon is hidden inside the capsule at the tip of a thin filling thread. Capsule is easily swallowed with a glass of water. Afterwards, it is ensured that the capsule reaches the stomach with X-ray. Balloon, which is filled with 550 ml of liquid with the help of the filling thread, is checked with x-ray. Finally, the filling thread is pulled and separated from the balloon and the application is completed. Total application time is only 15 minutes. During the process, the patient is awake, conscious and able to speak.

The most important advantage of the Allurion Swallowable Gastric Balloon is that it does not require endoscopy and anesthesia. Therefore, the application is easier and safer than other gastric balloons. Procedure duration is quite short compared to other gastric balloons. It is an ideal method especially for patient who cannot endure anesthesia or who are afraid. Allurion ellipse gastric balloon, which is produced from quite thin and soft material and is more in compliance with the stomach anatomy thanks to its elliptical structure, causes less discomfort after the procedure. Therefore, it is more comfortable than other gastric balloons. Allurion Swallowable Gastric Balloon is disposed from the body naturally after an average of 16 weeks. Therefore, it does not require a removal process. It provides time and cost advantage with this characteristic, especially for patient living abroad or outside the city. Our team can follow you even if you cannot come to our clinic with the smart watch given to you after the application and the smart scale making body analysis in addition to the program. Allurion swallowable gastric balloon is a personalized weight loss program unlike other gastric balloons. Because it is safer than other gastric balloons, it is more suitable for reapplication. In this way, it can be easily applied twice in a year for patients who have much more weight than the targeted with a single application.

Swallowable gastric balloon is a suitable method for everyone who is between 18-65 years old and wants to lose excess weight.


Swallowable gastric balloon is not applied to patients who have had gastric surgery or have a disease that needs to be treated first, such as active ulcers or severe reflux. If you have such a disease, you will be re-evaluated in our clinic for the program when your treatment is completed.

Allurion Gastric Balloon can be easily swallowed with the help of a glass of water as if it were a capsule medicine. In case of difficulties during the procedure, you can swallow painlessly the capsule with the help of a thin guidewire to be inserted into the filling thread. Guidewire is used in only about 10% of applications.

Swallowable gastric balloon will help you lose an average of 10-15% of your weight before application within 6 months. During this period, you will be checked by our dietitian every 15 days. We will give you a smart scale and watch as a gift, which you can easily share your information with us thanks to the application you download to your phone so that we can follow you. In this way, your weekly weight loss will be recorded and recommendations that will ease your weight loss will be made to you by our team through the allurion application.

Swallowable gastric balloon does not pose a serious risks. Uncommonly, conditions such as burning in the stomach, increase in gastritis and reflux complaints that stop with the removal of the balloon have been reported, and the probability of this is 1% according to the result of clinical studies. Swallowable gastric balloon can be easily removed from the stomach by endoscopy when needed.

Gastric balloons cause temporary nausea, vomiting and cramp after the application. Although these symptoms are less seen in the swallowable gastric balloon, they last an average of two or three days. During this time, we will have anti-nausea, vomiting and anti-cramp medications and special nutritional recommendations for you. Severity of these symptoms differs from patient to patient. These symptoms are temporary. In this process, the support of Dr. Güven Görkem and his team will always be with you.

Swallowable gastric balloon opens after an average of 16 weeks and begins to empty. As a result, it becomes quite thin membrane-like. This part is easily excreted by passing through the digestive system. You will not feel the balloon being disposed from the body.

Gastric balloon applications are reversible and do not cause permanent changes in the body. If new healthy eating habits and active lifestyle can be maintained during the time the gastric balloon stays in the stomach, your probability of regaining weight is quite low. According to Allurion’s clinical studies, participants in the program can maintain 95% of the weight they lost with the Allurion Gastric Balloon for a minimum of 12 months. This procedure can be applied twice in a year, if intended, in order to maintain your weight loss.

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